Sami Khedira | Real Madrid CF | Presentation

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16 Responses to “Sami Khedira | Real Madrid CF | Presentation”

  1. arabian2010milan Says:

    eid mubarak sami

  2. daniel1837 Says:

    @FernandoTorres918 really fuck quality xd

  3. FernandoTorres918 Says:

    what the fuck is that ? fuck quality

  4. SLUGiii1987 Says:

    when ???

  5. xXBeatboxStylerXx Says:

    bad video..bad quality of my channel there are better videos

  6. RealMadridSupport Says:

    Hope he does a great Season 😀

  7. RohilAniruth Says:

    cool cool

  8. RenegadeFaith Says:

    Nice montage of pictures 🙂 xoxo Abby.

  9. BRiTTxXxJACKiE Says:


  10. MrManulover Says:

    nice pictures.

  11. jt500lp Says:

    I subbed you! sub back?

  12. berkleyboy000 Says:

    i liked this

  13. Kafka6strings Says:

    nice images, nice music…
    thumbs-up (^-^)b

  14. DrawerChris Says:

    Real Madrid buys too much player. Really bad for their finances.

  15. FootballMusican Says:

    OFFICIAL is Coming soon.

  16. roninhomaster8 Says:

    Worst Quality